Monday, November 9, 2009

Hero Project Reflection

I think that a hero is anyone that does something good. A hero isn't just the firemen, policemen or superman. It is all of the people that sacrifice part of their life to do something good in someone’s life.
The Hero in my Eyes project was basically to interview someone that was a personal hero and then write a story about why they were your hero.
The process for me was a little weird because I was sick for basically the whole time we did it so I had to turn stuff in randomly and just start from there. So I did a lot of catching up with this project I was a good 3 or 4 days behind everyone else. So I had to do some serious work at my house and it was basically getting the draft from Charlotte and then revising it.
I learned that is sucks to be sick for the main part of a project, and I also learned a lot about showing not telling because my first draft was really bland and I turned it into and explosion of description. Most of the challenges I encountered was the fact that I was sick and not really having someone there to help me. Something that I would do different is that I wasn’t organized at all during this project and it really took its toll. I think that will really help me because for the time travelers project I am going to need to be uber organized because there is like 5 billion different things I need to turn in for it.
One of the Habits I used was Wonder; I used it because I had a lot of things that needed to be show and not told so I had to constantly thing of how I could make it better questioning myself in every sentence.
Link to my blog is YAY!!!

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