Sitting on the patio I saw the manager of the store I stole the snuff from walk by. The little black man looked like he didn’t have a place to go, that he was just walking to walk. I wanted so much to be like him but I am a fugitive and I need to figure out about my mother. I realize he probably knows that I stole the snuff and I try to get back inside but he sees me. He starts to walk over and I try to stay calm, he doesn’t look mad. He walks up on to the patio and acknowledges me as the girl that walked into his store.
“Hello, I’m sorry I seem to have forgotten your name,” he said
“It’s Lily, Lily Campbell,” I lied. I remembered the day at the hospital when I lied to get that guard away this reminded me a whole lot of that.
“Oh yeah Rose Campbell’s granddaughter,” He replied in that high pitched voice of his.
“Yes Sir, now if you don’t mind I was going to go back inside, I have finished my tea and I should be getting back to August,” I attempted to get rid of him.
“Oh, sorry for bothering you.” he apologized.
“It’s no problem, goodbye,” I told him.
As he walks away I take a sigh of relief and wave. Waving I get a better view of how bad of a person I am, I have told almost no truth since I got here. I should burn in the depths of hell for what I am doing to these people, stringing them in this web of lies I am making. I go back inside and hope that he doesn’t come back.