The White Fox from the book The White Fox Chronicles is my favorite fictional hero. He is a teenager that lives in the future against a vicious corporation called the CCR that took over the world. He lives in a concentration camp in the child barracks. His family was murdered by the CCR when he was a baby, then he was captured by them 10 years later.
He is my all-time favorite hero because he doesn't use his fists he uses his brains and wits to get out of every problem he faces. He never just fights someone he finds a way to get away without using his strength. He lives in a horrible world yet he can still survive with the thought or the people he left behind at the camp when he escaped. That is his one goal is to get back to the camp and free all the kids he left behind.
He isn't just the normal hero that is why he stands out to me he doesn't just go in and blow everything up he goes in gets what he wants then uses logic makes it impossible for the bad guy to get away. That is why he is personally special to me he believes in brains over brawn and so do I.
Wow. That was such an exciting review that I want to read the chronicles now and find out about this White Fox guy.