Well I think the thing that struck me most is the fact that Monsanto holds the patent of life basically. I think that it is crazy that people can patent foods. It’s horrible that Monsanto can shut down the food system if they wanted to. Because of this I completely agree with eating healthy and local, it is better to fight Monsanto then let it keep its grip over America. I think that eating local is better for you and better for America because the sooner we break the grip of Monsanto the better. I believe eating local can help break the grip because most local farmers don’t use GMOs they use natural seeds that Monsanto can’t patent. My dad thought the exact same thing as me; he thought that people only live with companies like Monsanto because they don’t want to accept that the world has come to this. My dad thought the same thing about Monsanto about how it was horrible that they can patent the things we need.
I agree with you on, "I think that it is crazy that people can patent foods." because its inhumane and they can have way too much control at the end.