I think that a hero is anyone that does something good. A hero isn't just the firemen, policemen or superman. It is all of the people that sacrifice part of their life to do something good in someone’s life.
The Hero in my Eyes project was basically to interview someone that was a personal hero and then write a story about why they were your hero.
The process for me was a little weird because I was sick for basically the whole time we did it so I had to turn stuff in randomly and just start from there. So I did a lot of catching up with this project I was a good 3 or 4 days behind everyone else. So I had to do some serious work at my house and it was basically getting the draft from Charlotte and then revising it.
I learned that is sucks to be sick for the main part of a project, and I also learned a lot about showing not telling because my first draft was really bland and I turned it into and explosion of description. Most of the challenges I encountered was the fact that I was sick and not really having someone there to help me. Something that I would do different is that I wasn’t organized at all during this project and it really took its toll. I think that will really help me because for the time travelers project I am going to need to be uber organized because there is like 5 billion different things I need to turn in for it.
One of the Habits I used was Wonder; I used it because I had a lot of things that needed to be show and not told so I had to constantly thing of how I could make it better questioning myself in every sentence.
Link to my blog is http://amazingnessblog.blogspot.com/2009/11/final-hero-character-sketch.html YAY!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
final hero character sketch
“Dude, are they actually putting that house in the back of a pickup truck?” Jason laughed as he watched the family he had built a house for not an hour ago lift it into a blue pickup and drive away.
“I guess it’s a decent moving truck,” Mookie joked.
Jason started working on the house He was building. As He pounded a nail into the wall he missed and slammed the hammer with all of his force into his hand next to the nail. Cursing in pain he pulled off his fingernail, he flicked it away without caring, this being one of many fingernails he had lost building the houses, he didn’t really care if he lost one more. Getting back to hammering he realized that there was a woman standing behind him. She had long brown hair that looked like it had just been through hell but still looked amazing. She was tall and very skinny kind of lie the Mexican version of Barbie. He turned around slowly. As he turned he got a better look at her. She had blue eyes waiting to see what was going to happen. She quickly opened her arms and hugged him tightly. He was shocked that she kept on hugging him. She felt light and her skin was soft to the touch of Jason’s worn out fingers. She smelt like tortillas, a combination of flour and corn meal. The aroma was intoxicating.
“Thank you,” the woman murmured in a Mexican accent as she let go.
“Um, it’s no problem,” Jason responded to the woman that was now walking away from him. That was weird he thought. He turned around and started working on the house again. For about an hour or so he thought about the woman and why she hugged him. It turned from no problem into all he could think about. The mysterious way she came and just as mysteriously left. The way she felt, just like velvet, the way she looked, beautiful in every aspect of the word.
“Were done,” Mookie murmured as he was to tired to talk.
“Sweet, time for the food,” Jason replied.
“Yup,” Mookie blurted out with joy. They started to walk down to the taco shop only a short time away.
The awesome aromas of tacos, burritos and churoos hit Jason like a wall of smell. His passion for those items was one of the reasons he came to Mexico in the first place. He sat down at a table as Mookie ordered. The aromas of food surrounded him and he started to get extremely hungry. He waited for the food to come. Dying of hunger he started to band his head against the little plastic table. It felt like an eternity to him, like he was locked up in jail. Then he was released, the waiter put four tacos in front of him and he took the deepest breath through his nose just to smell it. That smell reminded him of the woman. He took his first bite but while he ate it all he could think about was that woman that came up to him. He wondered why that one woman thought so much of the house that he built for her. How he did something so great for her that she felt compelled to hug him. People had been grateful to him before but never had they been that grateful. Usually they would just come up to him as a family and thank him but no this was different, it was like this was the fist decency ever done to her. Mookie noticed that something was wrong; Jason hadn’t finished his tacos yet.
“What’s up man?” Mookie asked.
“Nothing, why,” Jason responded with an unsteady tone.
“Just looks like something is wrong.”
“Nope,” Jason lied still thinking about it. While eating his tacos he started to forget about it and focus more on the beautiful yellow shell in front of him. Just as he was finishing his church van pulled up and yelled at him to get in. They were going back across the border, their day of building houses was over but he knew he would be back and he would never forget about that woman.
Monday, November 2, 2009
literary devices post

Catching the signal from one of her friends, Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting.
“Hi Bob,” she said in a happily
“Hey Angela,” he replied in a tone that sounded like a constipated elephant.
“You like the movie?” Angela asked
“Yeah, but I have to go to the bathroom,” still in that constipated tone
“Then go, it sounds like you really need to.”
“But this is the best scene.”
“He’s going to the bathroom on the movie.”
“Exactly what? It’s a boring scene.”
“Whatever ill go” he blurted out. He was a cheetah in getting back to the seat.
“It took you like 30 seconds to go to the bathroom.”
“I sprinted and took a power poo,” he said in a puff.
“Of course you did.”
Angela got up and never talked to Bob again.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Rock Climbing

“Leo,” my counselor yelled, I knew it was my turn to do the rock climbing. I was really excited but terrified at the same time. I meandered over to where I got ready. It all felt like slow motion. Trying to keep my cool, I slipped my harness on; looking at the gigantic thing I had to climb up, I started to reconsider. As my counselors hooked me in, I knew I wasn’t getting out of it.
I was ready to go physically, but mentally not so much. I wobbled my way to the beginning of the climb and started up at a snail’s pace. Inching up the mountain I realized it wasn’t very hard. I started to go a little bit faster and then faster. Now racing up the mountain I hit the hardest part. I slowed to compensate for the burning in my legs, arms and the increasing difficulty of the mountain. Going up this part was like being blindfolded. You couldn’t see anything past your forehead.
Feeling around for holes that I could grasp on to, I wasn’t finding any and I lost all hope in reaching the top, but then I brushed the bottom of a hole. It was just out of reach. I tried to push as hard as possible and stretch as far as humanly possible, but it wasn’t working. I thought about what I had to do, and it was scaring me.
I started to get ready to do it; I wasn’t giving myself time to think so I couldn’t back down. In slow motion again, I crouched down and lunged up to the hole. At first I saw it, and didn’t know what to do. Then I realized it was the hole so I blasted my arms out with all of my force to grab the hole. I was flailing to grab the hole, I almost did but I missed. Landing back in the position I was in before, I tried it again. This time I reacted quicker and got my hands into the hole.
I was extremely tired, but I managed to get up and touch the carabineers at the top. I haven’t been afraid of heights since. I have also done that mountain for the past four years, without a problem.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sound is art
A clacking sound is in the distance, it gets faster and faster. Then it stopped suddenly like a bird hitting a wall. A dirt dropping noise drowned out the clacking when it came back. A wobbling sound came into the mix. The combination made we want to cover my ears. It all slowly stopped and the clacking again. The murmur grew to a roar; it was like a demon being chopped in half. Overlapping all of the other sounds there was a scrapping; it made your spine cringe. The screeching of chalk on a whiteboard made everything else drown out. Everything came back into play like a big soup of all the leftovers. Joggers slowly dismissed the rest, soon it was only joggers. They passed and the clacking noise was back. Along with the clacking noise there was the kicking of dirt.
Friday, October 2, 2009
The Locker Problem

The Locker Problem
Leo Troast
The pattern for the problem is Open, Closed, Closed, Open, Closed, Closed, Closed, Closed, Open, Closed, Closed, Closed, Closed, Closed, Closed, Open. It is this because only the perfect squares are open, this is because it has an odd amount of factors Ex – 16 (Perfect square) Factors = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 compared to 18 (imperfect square) Factors = 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18. this means that for a perfect square an odd amount of numbers go into it so that means it will be (referring to 16) opened then closed, opened, closed, then opened again. They will stay open because once that last factor comes through to open it then the numbers will have gotten bigger then it so it wont be touched. 31 out of the 1000 are open because there are 31 perfect squares from 1-1000. 969 are closed because those are all the numbers that are not perfect squares from 1-1000.
Monday, September 28, 2009
What i did this weekend

Sitting on the patio I saw the manager of the store I stole the snuff from walk by. The little black man looked like he didn’t have a place to go, that he was just walking to walk. I wanted so much to be like him but I am a fugitive and I need to figure out about my mother. I realize he probably knows that I stole the snuff and I try to get back inside but he sees me. He starts to walk over and I try to stay calm, he doesn’t look mad. He walks up on to the patio and acknowledges me as the girl that walked into his store.
“Hello, I’m sorry I seem to have forgotten your name,” he said
“It’s Lily, Lily Campbell,” I lied. I remembered the day at the hospital when I lied to get that guard away this reminded me a whole lot of that.
“Oh yeah Rose Campbell’s granddaughter,” He replied in that high pitched voice of his.
“Yes Sir, now if you don’t mind I was going to go back inside, I have finished my tea and I should be getting back to August,” I attempted to get rid of him.
“Oh, sorry for bothering you.” he apologized.
“It’s no problem, goodbye,” I told him.
As he walks away I take a sigh of relief and wave. Waving I get a better view of how bad of a person I am, I have told almost no truth since I got here. I should burn in the depths of hell for what I am doing to these people, stringing them in this web of lies I am making. I go back inside and hope that he doesn’t come back.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
My Fav Hero

The White Fox from the book The White Fox Chronicles is my favorite fictional hero. He is a teenager that lives in the future against a vicious corporation called the CCR that took over the world. He lives in a concentration camp in the child barracks. His family was murdered by the CCR when he was a baby, then he was captured by them 10 years later.
He is my all-time favorite hero because he doesn't use his fists he uses his brains and wits to get out of every problem he faces. He never just fights someone he finds a way to get away without using his strength. He lives in a horrible world yet he can still survive with the thought or the people he left behind at the camp when he escaped. That is his one goal is to get back to the camp and free all the kids he left behind.
He isn't just the normal hero that is why he stands out to me he doesn't just go in and blow everything up he goes in gets what he wants then uses logic makes it impossible for the bad guy to get away. That is why he is personally special to me he believes in brains over brawn and so do I.
Friday, September 4, 2009
What is math and physics?

I think math is just a bunch of numbers that can be applied to real world things and have them make sense. I also think that math isn't learning the subject its appling what you already know and using it to figure out the problem. Math can be applied to almost any and almost anything can be turned into a math probolem.i think that math just looks like a bunch of numbers and equations.
i think phiscs is everything around you hjow the boulder reacts with water. you can find it anywhere yu come in contact with it everyday by walking or talking, anything. i think that everyone uses it everyday. people don't think they use it but they are everyday.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
30 things you didn't know about me

1. I like to sail
2. I like to camp
3. Not allergic to anything
4. My favorite food is burgers
5. I have a bucket list
6. Never been to a different continent
7. My favorite animal is a cat or a dog
8. I don't have any pets at the moment
9. I've broken a bone (wrist)
10. My last name is toast with an r (troast)
11. I've had over 50 pets (technically)
12. I've fallen out of my tree 13 times and never broken anything
13. I play soccer and water polo
14. I have a wii.
15. I read the Twilight books just to tell anybody that says they are good that they suck
16. I have an 18 year old brother
17. Apples to Apples is my favorite bordgame
18. my longest monopoly game is 15 hours long with 5 people
19. My name is Leo and my sign is Leo
20. One of my many nicknames is Leo the Lion =/
21. I have had 10-15 nick names thanks to my last name
22. I've lived in San Diego my whole life
23. I've had 9 water related injuries
24. Ive been on TV
25. I've meet native Hawaiians
26. Family guy is my favorite show
27. I have a huge family
28. My grandma is rich
29. I have a giant cartman
30. I've collected 250 bucks in change in 1 year
2. I like to camp
3. Not allergic to anything
4. My favorite food is burgers
5. I have a bucket list
6. Never been to a different continent
7. My favorite animal is a cat or a dog
8. I don't have any pets at the moment
9. I've broken a bone (wrist)
10. My last name is toast with an r (troast)
11. I've had over 50 pets (technically)
12. I've fallen out of my tree 13 times and never broken anything
13. I play soccer and water polo
14. I have a wii.
15. I read the Twilight books just to tell anybody that says they are good that they suck
16. I have an 18 year old brother
17. Apples to Apples is my favorite bordgame
18. my longest monopoly game is 15 hours long with 5 people
19. My name is Leo and my sign is Leo
20. One of my many nicknames is Leo the Lion =/
21. I have had 10-15 nick names thanks to my last name
22. I've lived in San Diego my whole life
23. I've had 9 water related injuries
24. Ive been on TV
25. I've meet native Hawaiians
26. Family guy is my favorite show
27. I have a huge family
28. My grandma is rich
29. I have a giant cartman
30. I've collected 250 bucks in change in 1 year
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